Coming soon in book stores everywhere..
"Coexisting in a religious world of divide"
A Spiritual Journey of faith in Christianity and Judaism
Westbow Press,
A division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan
Foreword by Joseph Shulam
Westbow Press,
A division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan
Foreword by Joseph Shulam
Excerpt from Author's Introduction...
Restoration and Reinstatement
Our journeys in life are destined by our Creator (the architect of it all) and while it is believed we do impact the rhythm of the twists and turns, everything we do and everyone we meet has some kind of learning curve available for the taking. Every journey is filled with messages for us ,from both the natural and the spiritual realm. Some choose to embrace and learn from both and others prefer one over the other. Tragically, some deny both and continue to struggle where they could have obtained victory. But this writer believes that our Creator and His universe want us to embrace all that is accessible to us.
To date my journey has been revolutionary in both realms and from my perspective what I have learned from my family upbringing, my culture , as a young woman in politics , my studies, research and through religion and spirituality was and is one of the most adventurous, enlightening, and radical experiences one could have. I am spiritual and not religious. I enjoy tapping into deep spiritual studies and always curious about the spiritual realm for the purpose of being enlightened. I thrive on who He/God is to me as I learn and teach. It is because of this that I believe God has allowed me to taste of supernatural experiences. Through my travels I have witnessed blind eyes open, people healed and set free from depression, oppression and I have watched those giving their hearts over to God transformed. B”H
I was inspired to write this book as prophetic insight. Although this writing conceptually can be applied to all faiths you will find my focus is more fitting to my experience. I was reared as a Catholic in private school and under the tutelage of nuns. I later became what is known as a “born again” Christian and found myself with my own fairly large full-time ministry as an ordained Pastor of Pastors that included planting churches that are still around today. During this time, days evolved to weeks, months and years of studying and pondering about my Jewish heritage. After many years in ministry, I then embraced Judaism pursuing my education in Rabbinic school and was ordained a Rabbi. I literally devoured ancient text and Hebrew thought which is what feels like home to me. These experiences led me to where I am today. Moving on, I would like to first bring clarification to what this book is and is not.
As the author of this book I have found what I am writing herein to be controversial but true for me and what I believe God has shown me through my experience in these two religious camps. You will notice quickly that it is not meant to tickle the ears nor to take sides as there is no such logic in the spiritual realm. At certain points, as you read, one may feel as though there is a persuasive tone toward one side in this book ,however, that may only be because of the message which is filled with legitimacy and expressed with sincerity. Most importantly, it is what I personally believe to be prophetic insight that is simply being delivered and can be received or rejected. The phrase “I am telling you the truth” in Hebrew,” divrei’ emet’ ani medaber imkha”, in rabbinic literature can imply that what is being stated carries with it the weight of revelation or of a divine conclusion brought on by inspiration. It is my hope that while you are reading this book the words from me, “I tell you the truth” will resonate within you if not as your truth, at the very least as a truth to consider. It is purposely not formulated as a scholarly writing, nonetheless, has within it a fusion of scholarly insights. It is food for thought for the hour. There are layers upon layers of spiritual depth for us as human beings to explore and everyone is called to different levels. This book should be considered a step to the more. Consider this, if you were to climb a ladder toward heaven for enlightenment and envision 7 rungs from the earth (which have great symbolism) this would probably be the 1st rung with overtones of what the 2nd could be like as we make our way toward and to the light. Being spiritual is one thing but having the passion for illumination is yet another. One cannot skip rungs on the ladder thinking they will skip important truths as that always results in clouded lenses. We are here on earth and we all at some point must learn to coexist with the myriad of people and the diversity that comes with them. This does not mean we must agree with everyone , but we must learn to live together in peace and for those of like mind, to work together for peace.
This author believes that this book, “Coexisting in a Religious World of Divide” has assigned readers and if the book crosses paths with you it is most likely because it was meant to. Hopefully when you are done with the book you will pass it along as food for thought or recommend it to others. Then, take the time to meditate on the possibilities as only then will it settle deeper in you and only then will dimensions be released for more understanding. What is written herein then, is only for the purpose of scratching the surface. There is more, much, much more.
“I tell you the truth”
(divrei’ emet’ ani medaber imkha)
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